
Homas are powerful ancient fire rituals that have been performed in India by the Vedic sages for over 5000 years. Sri Krishna in Bhagavad Gita quotes, 'This creation is a yagna'. Yagna also means sacrifice and by this he meant that creation is an eternal flow of birth and death: it is a sacrifice where one?s death gives way for the birth of another, continuously; something gets sacrificed for something to arise. This is how the Vedas, interpret the creation and in the purview of the Vedas, the homa is but a miniature model of this Universal Sacrifice. Homas is derived from Veda?s contains the highest form of knowledge .The singular goal of Veda is to guide man through the correct path, and Homas forms the essence of all the Karmas prescribed in the Vedas.

  • Maha Ganapathy HomamOpen or Close

    Lord Ganesha?s position is one of the main five Gods. The other four are Vishnu, Siva, Devi, and Surya. The worship of the five Deities is called Pancayatana pooja. His head shows the wisdom of understanding, and a discriminating, intellect that one must possess to attain perfection in life. The wide mouth represents the natural human desire to enjoy life is the world. The large ears signify that a perfect person who possesses a great capacity to listen to others and assimilate ideas .The trunk reflects to the powers of human mind which must be strong enough to face the ups and down of the external world and get delicate to enough to explore the subtle reality of the inner world. Ganapathi Homa is the best solution to over come all the hurdles in life and removal of all obstacles. It provides a soothing effect to the mind as well as the body. It purifies the environment. Performing the Ganapathy homa once in every month gives prosperity, health and wealth. If any one is running Kethu dasa or Bhukti or some dosha of Kethu in the horoscope, he shall perform Ganapathy homa and get relief. This homa is performed before all other homas. Before starting any new venture or anything afresh, Ganapathy homa is must. If one is suffering from losses, when starting a new business, investments, housewarming or when one is getting married, or to remove all obstacles or your birthday Ganapathy homa is recommended. Performing this homa once every month will give prosperity, health and wealth etc.

  • Asthta Dravya Ganapathy Homam Open or Close

    Lord Gansha?s position is one of the main five Gods. The other four are Vishnu, Siva, Devi, and Surya. The worship of the five Deities is called Pancayatana pooja. His head shows the wisdom of understanding, and a discriminating, intellect that one must possess to attain perfection in life. The wide mouth represents the natural human desire to enjoy life is the world. The large ears signify that a perfect person who possesses a great capacity to listen to others and assimilate ideas .The trunk reflects to the powers of human mind which must be strong enough to face the ups and down of the external world and get delicate to enough to explore the subtle reality of the inner world. This homa is prepared on every important venture. Purchase of new land, birthday, housewarming or when one is getting married and on the eve of major operations for the welfare of human beings. Asthtadravya means 8 things, which are coconut, molasses, honey, sugarcane, lemon, rice flakes, rice, sesame oil etc .Performing this homa once in a year for removal of all marriage and other obstacles in your life and other problems.

  • Sudarsana HomamOpen or Close

    Mahasudersanam is the famous weapon of Mahavishnu. The mighty power of this weapon is proved many times by Mahavishnu, using this weapon to kill his enemies. Sudarsana homa is regarded as the best protection from all evils, removal of all enemies, accidents and other dosha nivaranam. The desire of human beings are innumerable and they very in nature. In the Vaishnava Agams the Sudarsana chakra is very prominent one. The Sudarsana yantra is also important as Sudarsana Mantra. Usually Lord Sudarsana is seen installed with eight or sixteen hands in Vishnu temples. Sudarsana homa could alleviate the suffering of this nature. It is first recently for avoid and eliminate the evil sprit in the house. Conducting this homa once in a year is essential for removal of all enemies and other problems.

  • Hanuman HomamOpen or Close

    Hanuman is the in carnation of Lord Siva. It?s believed that when Lord Vishnu took birth in the form of Ram to vanish, the greatest demon king of Ravan, and the other goddess also born in the monkey and bear races to help him. He was born on the full moon day of the month (chithra) on Tuesday. Hanuman pooja is dedicated to god Hanuman This homa cures all illness and gives person to courage, illness and give peace of mind.

    This is being done for removing all the dhosham and adverse effects on account of enmity and for getting complete prosperity and peace through out life .

  • Santhana Gopala Homam Open or Close

    The Santhana Gopala Homa is also called Purusha Suktha Homa. This is dedicated to Lord Maha Vishnu. Purusha Sukth Homa is said to be equal to Puthrakameshti Yagna. The great Santhana Gopala homa is very powerful for getting a healthy child. This is Vaishnava mantra will please the great planet Jupiter too. All this homas will get to over comes the problem solving for pregnancy and childbirth.

  • Mrithunjaya Homam Open or Close

    Maha mrithyunjaya Homa is dedicated to Lord Siva. On worshipping Siva one can escape from miseries and troubles this materialistic world as well as the problems related to inner soul. Lord Siva Shiva is the winner of death. This homa has performed to achieve death. Everybody has a great fear is that of death. Twenty-one mantras are chanted during this homa. The main offerings in the homa are Durva grass (famous purifying blood) and an herb called Amritha, materials used for chamatha twigs, peril twigs, sesame, Karuka leaves, milk, and palpayasam. This homa is performed for birthdays for long and healthy life. It is also performed to cure chronic illness. The homa also help to overcome the evil effects of enemies (sathru dosha Nivarana). It will be also helps us to mitigate the dangerous life due to accidents and serious ills. It is done for a long and healthy life, are to be get rid of prolonged sickness. This Homa performed Lord Siva to protect the person suffering from the ailments. Performing this homa once in year is essential to protect us from long life.

  • Navagraha Homam Open or Close

    Navagraha Homa is combined homa for all the nine planets and is divided into nine parts. Navagrha homa is an extremely useful and beneficial homa. It is done with to ward off evil of planetary configuration .The nine graha or planets in our horoscope control our karma, our desires and their outcomes. Each of the nine planets influence in our lives, which is called 'dasa' and its can be known from one?s horoscope. Nagraha Homa is more powerful than any other homas because you are performing for nine planets. It is a remedy for all doshas. Conducting this homa reduce the negative effects and positive energies related to a person. It removes all the obstacles of life and to attain ayur arogya and happiness. It is also recommended for removing for navagraha dhoshas. Navagraha homa is performed after conducting navagraha pooja. It is combined homa for all the 9 planets and is divided in to 9 ports. Navagraha homa shall be performed every year to ensure that you can always get maximum advantage from your planets.

  • Sri Rudra HomamOpen or Close

    A Sri Rudram is the basis of Yajurveda, with the sacred Siva Panchakshri Mantra enshirned with it. Rudra japa is spoken of as a great purifier and it is the most effective expansion (pariharam or remedy) for even the worst sins. The word Rudram is derived from two words- Rud and Ra. Rud means Dukham or Pappam. Lord siva gets the name Rudra, because he removes sorrow and sin and also the cause of it, which is ignorance.

    When Lord Vishnu incarnated as Sreerama, he established shiva linga at Rameswaram before crossing the sea and performed Rudrabhishek to express his devotion to Lord Siva. This pooja where Lord Siva is worshipped in his Rudra form.It is one of the greatest homa to remove all evils to attain all desires and for all round prosperity. The maharudrabhishekam is particularly performed for the sake of washing away one?s sins and afflictions, for bringing peace, prosperity and happiness along with family togetherness. Conducting this homa once in year is essential for Papa nivaranam and removes sorrow in life.

  • Dhanvanthari Homam Open or Close

    This homa is dedicated to Sri Dhanvanthri Moorthy. Dhanvanthari is the physician of gods, who appeared at the churning of the ocean, is worshipped on this day, special by the physician community. He is the father of Indian science Medicine and Ayurveda is attributed to him. This homa is to be done when a person is suffering from all ill health and there is no option of getting well. This homa is very powerful and this homa is done once in a year there is an atmosphere of positive energy everywhere, there by reducing ill effects on health. This homa is very useful for curing serious diseases.

  • Gayathri Homam Open or Close

    Sri Gayathri Homam(Sukrutha Homam) is considered to be the purest among all the Homa. This homa also known as sukritha homa all sins that has done during Janmam and proova Janmam will be vanished and we will become fresh as a new born baby. By worshipping Sri Gayathri Devi , we get self confidence, thejas and betterment of health etc. Our life will be fully covered with joy and peace. Perform this great Gayathri Homa and get the complete blessings of Sri Gayathri Devi. This homa is helping us to have positive relationships with our family and society, and it assists us in reaching high goals.

  • Mahalakshmi Homam Open or Close

    Sri lakshmi is the Goddess of wealth and prosperity, both material and spiritual. The word ?Lakshmi? is derived from the Sanscrit word Lakshmi, meaning goal. Lakshmi represents the goal of life. In Hindu mythology Goddess Lakshmi also called Sri is the divine spouse of Lord Vishnu and the Goddess of wealth and fortune. You must perform this homa when you are facing financial difficulties and wish to earn wealth. To conduct this homa once in a year, receive blessings and grace of Goddess Lakshmi.

  • Saraswathi Homam Open or Close

    Goddess Saraswathi is the wife (consort) of Lord Brahma and possesses the power of speech, wisdom and learning. She has representing four aspects of human personality in learning mind, intellect, alertness, and ego. Saraswathi Devi is the controller of Vidya called vidya devatha. In the case of a man stammers his stammering will be controlled by this homa. By performing this homa are will be blessed with success in the examination. He will be having better concentration level and confidence will increase. Conducting this homa once in a year is essential for educational progress.

  • Ayush HomamOpen or Close

    Ayush means Age and Ayush Homa is performed by learned Thanthric astrologers for long life and removal of all obstacles from life. Ayush homa is done to worship the god of life (Ayur Devatha ) by doing this homa one gets long life blessings from Ayur devatha. Once in a year this homa is recommended for healthy living and long life. If you are suffering from any ailment for long, then also Ayush homa is recommended. Conducting this homa once in a year is essential for children in balarishta yoga.

  • Karuka Homam Open or Close

    For children with the birth of Balarishta Yoga in their horoscope, give many problems in the child hood. By way of ailments,, diseases and other physical problem in the childhood, especially up to 3-4 years of age . Karuka homa is the best for care for the balarishta yoga in the horoscope Conducting this homa once in a year for children in cure of balarishta.

Unni Kannan Panicker

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